Soil Carbon Cowboys

Via Rural Madison

Intensive Grazing in Northern Vermont using tumble wheel electric fence.

Intensive Grazing in using tumble wheel electric fence.

Meet Allen Williams, Gabe Brown and Neil Dennis – heroes and innovators! These ranchers now know how to regenerate their soils while making their animals healthier and their operations more profitable. They are turning ON their soils, enabling rainwater to sink into the earth rather than run off. And these turned ON soils retain that water, so the ranches are much more resilient in drought. It’s an amazing story that has just begun.

“Why do I want to go out and spend thousands upon thousands of dollars every year on synthetic fertilizer when I can grow these crops for just the cost of the seed? They’ll make the nitrogen for me and then my livestock will come around and eat these plants, convert it to dollars for me to sell,” said Brown, a rancher from Bismarck, ND, which gets fewer than 17 inches of annual rainfall. “So, I’m getting all my fertilizer, basically for a profit because I’m making money off these crops.”