Calling Local Farmers, Gardeners and Growers

High-Bionutrient Crop Production Workshop

Friday, Feb. 7 and Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014

Madison, Virginia

Hosted by SoilSHARE (Soil – Soil Health Assists Rural Economies)

Growing Nutrient-Dense Food Is the “Next Big Thing” in the Food Movement

We’re fortunate that Dan Kittredge, a second-generation organic farmer and nutrient-rich food grower, is coming to Madison to teach an intensive two-day workshop on biological farming (click the image on the left to download the flyer). You’ll learn how to test and analyze your soils so you can apply the right mix of nutrients to build your soil up to peak vitality. Dan will share how he saves time and money to grow the high-quality food that his customers have grown to appreciate and have made his business a success.

This is a rare opportunity to learn biological farming from a successful commercial grower. Go to to register, click the“Sign Up Online” button near the bottom of the page and select the “Madison, VA”class location. The fee is $150.00 for the two days with scholarships available for farmers (contact [email protected] to apply).

How to Test Your Soil & Bring Lab Report to Class

  • Download and print the form. Note: enclose a payment of $30 (not $25) per test with the completed form (make sure to check the box for “AEA Base Test Plus EC, Mo, Co, Se, Si”).
  • Collect your soil sample(s) following the instructions at (be sure to include your email address so Logan Labs can send you a digital copy of your report).

Please allow 4-5 business days to receive the test results and be sure to bring your lab report to class.

SoilSHARE is a Madison-area group dedicated to helping our local growers, gardeners and farmers improve soil and raise food quality. Successful farms will stimulate our economy, attract visitors, and celebrate our agricultural heritage.  For more information, please contact Steven Schwartz.

Anna Lappé Exposes Big Food Marketing

Corporate Accountability International is partnering with Anna Lappé, the Food MythBusters and a coalition of leading food & farming groups to launch a short film about Big Food marketing junk to kids TONIGHT at 8 pm EST on

The film exposes the fast-food industry’s aggressive marketing to children (driving an epidemic of diabetes & obesity) and shows how parents, communities, and teachers can stand up for a better food system and for real food.

The film will be followed by a live on-line conversation.

Corporate Accountability International
10 Milk Street, Suite 610
Boston, MA 02108
617-695-2525 (Main)
617-695-2626 (Fax)

Fortnight of Action for Seed and Food Freedom

Dear lovers of life’s diversity and lovers of freedom,

It is time to organise and concentrate our energies to liberate our seeds and our food from the toxic, greedy and lethal clutches of global corporations like Monsanto; from the laws the corporations are writing, stealing our democracies in order to steal our seeds and food, our health and livelihoods, our cultures and our lives. We need to break from the sense of powerlessness the corporations would like us to experience to make us believe they are all powerful and we have no power to change. But we do. We just have to combine our collective energies. We must become the change we want to see.

I invite you to unleash your creative energies during the Fortnight of Action for Seed Freedom and Food Freedom – 2nd October to 16th October.

2nd October is Gandhi’s birth anniversary. Gandhi left us the legacy of “Swaraj”- self-organised freedom and “Satyagraha”- the force of truth. Let us dedicate ourselves to celebrating 2nd October as the day for a worldwide “Seed Satyagraha”. A day when we defend Seed Freedom and Food Freedom by identifying every regional law written by corporations to undermine these freedoms by criminalizing diversity, seed saving and seed exchange, farmers innovations and farmers rights; whilst establishing illegitimate seed monopolies through patents and privileging of uniformity and monocultures.

After having identified laws for seed slavery, let us commit ourselves to not obey these unethical and brute laws which threaten life on earth, including our lives and the lives of our children. Gandhi had reminded us 100 years ago, that “As long as the superstition remains that unjust laws must be obeyed, so long will slavery exist”. We have a dream, and our dream is that every seed, every bee, every butterfly, every earthworm, every person, every child be free of manipulation and control, hunger and disease; that they evolve and co-evolve in freedom, well-being and health. We must not allow ourselves to be subjected to the superstition that Monsanto Laws must be obeyed. For the sake of Gaia’s laws, of life’s renewal in freedom and the laws of justice, it is our ecological and ethical duty to disobey Monsanto’s laws. And while resisting and not co-operating with destructive laws of seed dictatorship, let us celebrate Seed Freedom and Food Freedom through adopting The Law of the Seed and creating Gardens of Hope – seed sanctuaries – and GMO-free, patent free Seed Freedom Zones.

On 12th October we will self-organise to March against Monsanto across the world, like we did on the 25th May.

16th October is World Food Day. Monsanto and other Biotech giants have been foolish and arrogant enough to award themselves The World Food Prize they sponsor that day. Let us give Real Food Prizes to Real Food Heroes in our communities, who bring us real and healthy food instead. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, 72% of the food that people eat comes from small farms and gardens. We can make the 72% a 100% by saving Seeds of Freedom and planting Gardens of Hope everywhere. Industrial agriculture driven by corporations has destroyed 75% of the planet’s biodiversity resulting in hunger and disease. 1 billion are hungry, 2 billion suffer from food related diseases. This is not a food system that brings us life and health. It is a greed and profit-driven, commodity producing system that has unleashed death and destruction. We have to stop this destruction. There is no place for poisons and corporate slavery in the food system. We are what we eat.

Our seeds and food are vital to life. We cannot afford to allow the destruction of the planet and our health to continue. We cannot allow seed slavery and food dictatorship to continue. We must take back our seeds, our food, our freedom.

With love and strength to each and every one of you to evolve your highest powers and unleash your highest creative and collaborative energies, so that together we shape a food system that protects life on earth, our small farmers, our health and our future.

Vandana Shiva

Eat. Drink. Empower. at Max’s Wine Dive, Benefitting SafePlace

Eat. Drink. Empower. is a 5- course meal, featuring cocktails and wine pairings, created by 8 local female Chefs/Sous. This one-of-a-kind event will be hosted August 24th from 6-9:30pm at Max’s Wine Dive in Downtown Austin.  Tickets are $150 per person or $1500 per table (private table for 8 guests).  A generous portion of the proceeds will benefit SafePlace, a local non-profit organization determined to end sexual & domestic violence.  Max’s Wine Dive Chef, Erica Beneke, has taken on the heavy task of organizing this event with many other great female Chefs of Austin, promoting a cause that everyone can feel proud to support and one she truly believes in.



Provides Safety for individuals and families affected by sexual and domestic violence.

Helps victims in their Healing so they can move beyond being defined by the crimes committed against them, and become Survivors.

Promotes safe and healthy relationships for the Prevention of sexual and domestic violence.

Works with others to create Change in attitudes, behaviors and policies that perpetuate the acceptance of, and impact our understanding and responses to, sexual and domestic violence.


Whitney Myler
Event Sales Manager
MAX’s Underground
207 San Jacinto
Austin, TX 78701
512.904.0121 Main
512.904.0128 Fax

P3 – Paleo, Polyface… PorkFest!

Sunday, September 8. 2013 | 9 am – 4:30 pm
Stonewall Jackson Hotel | Staunton, VA

The power to change is in your hands. Attend this workshop and learn from leading edge thinkers in the Fitness, Farming and Food movements. 

What’s In Store For You!

  • Morning Lectures with NY Times Best Selling author, Robb
  • Afternoon Demos with Jenny McGruther, popular blogger
  • Lunch Keynote with Joel Salatin, owner Polyface Farm and ambassador for pasture-based farming.
  • Delicious Paleo lunch featuring Polyface Farm eggs and pork.
  • Exhibits – Fabulous vendors to help you bring it home!
  • Optional Paleo/Polyface Farm Fresh Breakfast Buffet